Jason Coghlan and all of the staff at JaCogLaw welcome you to this website wherein we shall endeavor to provide much of the necessary information regarding, inter alia, our worldwide criminal defense services, civil litigation practice and debt recovery expertise.
Here at JaCogLaw we understand the enormity of any type of situation which necessitates the need for legal representation, moreover, we can empathize with the fact that when combined with that already daunting proposition one is faced with litigation abroad, often in a language that one does not understand, folk need a helping hand…that’s why we are here!
JaCogLaw work with only the very best capable and reliable lawyers in the countries within which we operate.

Media Links

The extraordinary story of underworld Mr Big Paul Massey – shot dead on his own doorstep in a notorious gangland execution – and told by those close to him and Massey himself.
Featuring Jason Coghlan.

The suspected gangster at the heart of world boxing

The British ex-gangster helping Irish criminals in Spain

Former UK’s most wanted goes straight with legal fixer firm on Costa del Sol

El Pais in English September 29th 2013
The villains’ advocate